Crème cicatrisante au miel pour les plaies cutanées superficielle et la gale de boue.
Protection des plaies par effet barrière antibactérien.
HoneyHeel est une crème riche et apaisante pour les chevaux qui fournit une barrière protectrice contre les plaies mineures et soutient le processus de guérison naturel.
Il est formulé avec du miel brut et de l'oxyde de zinc, deux agents curatifs antibactériens naturellement actifs qui favorisent la formation naturelle de tissus sains.
La consistance collante aide HoneyHeel à rester en place, permettant aux agents actifs de rester en contact avec la peau.
L'ajout d'aloe vera améliore l'effet apaisant de la crème.
Tous les ingrédients de HoneyHeel sont naturels et ont été choisis pour leurs propriétés antibactériennes ou pour améliorer la consistance de la crème.
Miel d'acacia non traité, oxyde de zinc, jus dAloe vera
Tube de 100 ml et pot de 500 ml
lien vers site officiel en anglais
Exemples de soins, en anglais
‘Gonet’ a 15 year old Dutch warmblood imported from Czechoslovakia for show jumping, injury forced retirement from competitions, now a happy hacker.
Gonet came in from the field with a nasty wound just below his hock.
After ensuring it was not requiring veterinary attention the wound was cleaned with salt water and HoneyHeel was applied. This was repeated on a daily basis.
Within 24 hours inflammation and pain had reduced considerably and within 2 weeks the wound had completely healed over.
“I was amazed by how easy the product was to use and how quickly it healed the area. I recommend this product and any Red horse product to anyone who will listen!”
‘Paul’ an ex-racehorse had a puncture wound which resulted in septicaemia in his fetlock. This resulted in him having to have surgery and joint flushing at the vets. During his aftercare the skin around the area started to harden and weep, eventually a large area of dead skin sloughed off. There was a distinct possibility that he would “never be right again” and it seemed likely he may have to be euthanised.
Manuka honey was initially used but it was found to be difficult to apply and would not adhere to the wound. Instead HoneyHeel was used on a daily basis to protect the wound from dirt, bacteria and to encourage the healing process.
From that point onwards the wound constantly improved, becoming smaller, less inflamed and showing less proud flesh on a daily basis.
The wound is now completely closed, leaving only a relatively small scar. Paul has increased work, been out on a fun ride and has been schooling over jumps.
“We can’t thank you enough for sending us the HoneyHeel. It’s been amazing in Paul’s recovery. Kept his wound clean and continued heeling more than we ever (and the vets) thought possible!”
‘Harry’ is a 6 year old exracer who I got straight out of racing as a 4 year old. He is barefoot and lives out as part of a herd of 5. We do a bit of everything and he is adjusting well to life as a normal ridden horse. Harry is your typical accident prone thin skinned thoroughbred who thinks it’s funny to injure himself and cost me loads of money in vets bills. The recent injury frightened the life out of me because it was so close to his eye. The vet said it should be stitched but was very concerned about how we would manage to sedate Harry enough to do it and then even if we had managed to stitch it, the wound would pull when he blinked. So we decided to clean it up and use antibiotics as most of Harry’s injuries swell up like a balloon.
The Vet suggested I apply a veterinary cream that he wanted to prescribe but I told him that I like HoneyHeel because it stays put and also provides protection from the flies which were a real concern at the time. The Vet read the ingredients and said that honey was a great product so we could use this instead.
I applied the HoneyHeel every other day and the injury took about 3 weeks to heal but both me and the vet are very surprised at how well Harry’s eye has healed. I can’t recommend this product enough!
Clair Mcnamara – Owner
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